Tuesday, July 5, 2011

June 20, 2011

Hi Mom & Dad,
How are you two doing?? I am doing good. This week has been long and it has been the lowest numbers of lessons I have got since getting on my mission I hope and pray that it will not be like this every week because I will freak out. I have a feeling that we will be making more visits and tracting than having lessons. So yesterday was awesome in Church this ward has literally become my family, I remember seeing Sister Lords and it made my day. She gave me a hug it was like seeing you mom it was awesome. There was a moment that I looked around in church and I realized that I knew almost everyone's name which was awesome but then I had the feeling that I will be leaving soon. That day will be hard for me because I don't want to leave this area but I know that I can always come back here and stay with any of them. I love it here, I cant wait for you both to come out to visit.
Thank you for the pictures mom. They were so cute, loved them. That is great that Sister Black posted advice from our Fathers. That was from one of the emails that you sent me and I asked both of you to bear your testimony to me.
I like being senior companion because I get to drive!!!

So last night we went over to President Blacks house to decorate his door for Father's Day. Happy Father's Day too Dad!!!!! Hope you had a wonderful day. :) But we were at President Blacks house and he told us a joke. We were talking about President Bush because Debbe said that he and his father worship an owl which they go to California once a year to do. We told him about it and then he said that President Bush was giving a speech and he said he saw a man that looked like Moses and he asked one of his guys to go and get him so President Bush could talk to him. This guy tried like three times but the Moses look alike wouldn't come, finally they asked him why. The guy that looked like Moses said, "The last time I talked to a bush I wondered in the wilderness for 40 years." :) :) President Black got jokes! He's hilarious.
Its crazy that June is almost over and my Birthday is only a week away. This time is going by so fast. Things this week are good. We had sister Black come out with us on Thursday. We went to see a Sister that is a talker we were there for about 2 hours but I love her she is awesome. We will go get her mail and things like that because she still has a hard time moving around. We met with an investigator this week, it is the 2nd week, so it was good. But Heavenly Father helps me through each day. Hebrews 11:40  3 Nephi 3:21. I hope and pray that another one we are teaching will get baptized before I leave this area, this is the only biggest desire that I have before getting transferred so we will see. Pray for him :)
Well I will write more next week, and I will look out for the package too. I am glad to hear from you all I love you so very much and miss you tons. Love you and Miss you bunches!!!!
Love Heather Baby Little One

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